
There is nothing worse than undergoing the laser! You can say goodbye to your eyes...

A renowned Kenyan expert in ophthalmology told the truth about laser correction and advised other ways to restore vision that have already helped thousands of people.
Felix Otieno
04 JUNE 2022

Patrick Kamau is an Kenyan expert in Ophthalmology. He is a world-renowned specialist in the field of eye pathology removal and vision restoration. He is the founder and leading expert of the international center for vision restoration, which is attended by famous personalities with vision problems. People from the United States, France, Germany, the United Kingdom and other countries come to the center. Patrick Kamau is one of the leading specialists in vision problems. He has written 32 popular science books on the organs of sight and three times as many scientific publications in journals.

Patrick Kamau STATES THAT ONLY 17% OF PEOPLE WITH VISION PROBLEMS NEED LASER CORRECTION, BECAUSE THEY KNOW HOW TO COMPLETELY RESTORE VISION USING ONLY THERAPEUTIC TECHNIQUES. The expert uses the example of thousands of people who have approached him to verify his words. And what is worn by celebrities, famous politicians and businessmen is available to absolutely everyone. All of these techniques can be used to improve and restore vision at home.

Patrick Kamau rarely gives interviews, but he agreed to answer our correspondent's questions. Below he will find important tips that can help you recover and improve your eyesight without the need for surgery.

The material also addresses the following topics:

  • Why laser treatment can be dangerous for the eyes or why 80% of specialists do not perform such surgery.
  • Most eye problems occur due to the dryness of the eyeball, you can prevent it.
  • Malignant tumors are a threat to 50% of people over 60 years of age.
  • Retirement benefits for vision rehabilitation, how do I get them in Kenya?
  • The story of an Kenyan pensioner who was about to go blind after trying to recover her sight with a laser.

Modern ways of correcting vision can deprive you of the chances of recovery!

Professor Patrick Kamau:

Remember only one thing. And don't listen to anyone who tells you that laser exposure is not a traumatic procedure. It's stupid!

Have you ever wondered why professionals don't do this procedure on themselves or their loved ones? Is this procedure that good? They can talk about it for hours, praising the new generation of innovative devices, but avoid the procedure itself.

You don't have to be an academic to understand why.

Many professionals know that the use of laser technology can cause serious eye damage. This can disrupt the entire vision system.

See what is done during the procedure... The shape of the cornea is changed in such a way that a precise beam of light is obtained, focused on the retina.

Depending on whether the person has farsightedness or nearsightedness, the operation is performed in two ways. The first is a burn of several layers (often 5-10) of epithelial cells in the cornea. Due to this, the thickness of the natural lens decreases. The second method involves cutting a piece (flap) of the cornea from one side and transplanting it to the center. This makes the lens thicker. Both routes are accompanied by corneal trauma.

img The eye has a very complex structure. The slightest deviation during surgery can lead to total blindness

Many believe that over time, the cornea heals in the same way as, say, a cut finger or stitches after surgery. However, this is not so. Simply because there are no cells in the cornea that can divide and regenerate. The transplanted flap cannot fuse with the rest of the cornea. Even 5 years after surgery, it remains attached, just like after surgery. However, it can change or drop at any time, for example if you casually rub your eyes or get a snowflake in your eyes. And these cases are more than real. This happens quite often.

The eyes are too complex a mechanism to be treated in this way. Even if the operation is successful and you keep your eyes, this may not last long, after a while YOUR SIGHT MAY BEGIN TO DIMINISH AGAIN.

No expert or center can guarantee that your vision will improve after the procedure. Also, they do not guarantee that vision will not deteriorate or disappear completely. This must be in writing in the contract; otherwise, vision rehabilitation centers will simply file for liquidated damages. Vision after correction with laser technology is reduced in 98% of people within 3 years, these are the official statistics, which you can find on the website of the International Ophthalmology Association.

Professor Patrick Kamau:

This means that one day vision may begin to decline again, and much faster than it initially did. Because such a powerful impact only "adjusts" the cornea to the existing conditions. However, it does not eliminate the causes of visual impairment, such as opacity or curvature of the lens, or inflammation of the retina. After some time, vision in 98% of cases automatically begins to decrease again. And then do the same restore procedure again?

The experts are smart people, knowing all this, they will never accept the laser. And I am not referring to errors during the procedure, laser failures, microbial wounds, etc. All this happens all over the world with sad frequency. Few people talk about it. The worst of all this is that a person who plays with his eyes runs the risk of going completely blind.

At 30, 40 years old, if you lose your vision, it's very difficult. Many joys will disappear from your life, you will not be able to work, see your reflection, people close to you, you will not even be able to watch TV. Your life will suddenly come crashing down. What are you going to do then?

List of the threatening effects of laser vision correction

  • The laser leaves a permanent scar on the cornea. . Does not promote recovery to a natural level. The flap can come off at any time.
  • The success of the operation is not guaranteed; after that, vision may not only not improve, but may even worsen, up to total blindness. Read it in the contract: The law requires that you be informed about this, but most of the time, many specialists remain silent and this information is written in small print.
  • You can expect PERSISTENT CHRONIC DRY EYES as the cornea takes on a different shape and is poorly hydrated. Often after surgery people cannot do without drops at all.
  • The increased dryness causes pathogenic germs and bacteria to develop in the wound area, which can lead to inflammation.
  • The cornea is under greater stress when working with a computer, so the vision of people who work with computers can decrease even more quickly after laser correction. Computer specialists are generally not authorized to undergo this type of operation.
  • Artifacts will appear in your sight that can stay for a lifetime. For example, color distortion, a strong "backlight" of vision, bright circles when looking at bright objects, etc.

Malignant tumors are the worst that can happen

Professor Patrick Kamau:

We have highlighted this pathology separately. By far the worst consequence is the formation of a malignant tumor. Surgery increases the risk of pathology by almost 150%. This is due to the same eye damage. Pathological cells may begin to form around the cornea and, under certain conditions, will actively divide. As a result, a tumor develops.

AND THIS PROBLEM WILL NOT BE SOLVED. If caught early, the eye is simply removed. This is the most optimal solution. If the problem is not detected in time, the metastases pass to the brain, and this is a high probability of rapid death.

According to statistics, most of the time, people of Latin American race, that is to say

Specialists are unlikely to tell people before the operation. On the contrary, the procedure is said to be quick and painless. However, this is not exactly the case. The recovery from the surgery can last between 3 months to a year (it cannot be said that it is fast) and the feeling during the intervention itself is that the 10 minutes you spend under the laser are like going through the circles of hell.

Also imagine that smell of epithelial cell singed by the laser. This is the smell that permeates the operating rooms. People remember him in terrible dreams.

img Malignant tumor in the eye. The woman had to have her eye removed. If she had sought help later, she would not have been saved.

People over 50 suffer more

Professor Patrick Kamau:

All the risks and consequences that I mentioned above increase significantly with a person's age. This is due to the natural slowdown of all processes and the aging of the organism. In the US, Israel and Germany, this type of eye surgery has long been banned for those over 45. In Kenya, however, this continues. Some specialists even convince the elderly to have surgery. Just so they spend money for it. In 90% of cases, this results in various visual problems, up to total loss of sight!

(Below is a letter from a retiree who, during the pandemic, agreed to have surgery at a deep discount and went almost completely blind—don't repeat her mistake!)

If not with laser technology, how can sight be restored? For example, ordinary retirees whose eyesight deteriorates with age. Is there anything they can do to restore visual acuity?


Especially now that there are extremely good products. And you don't even need to consult an expert to use them. You can restore eyesight from home! All you have to do is take a course of the special capsules.

Today, there is a whole class of such products that are successfully used in many countries of the world. If we talk about some specifics, in Kenya there is a very good product called Optifix. It was developed in 2017 by the Institute of Ocular Pathology in Santiago. The product has a multicomponent composition of about 60 different active ingredients.

Optifix is able to have a comprehensive effect on the organs of vision, simultaneously improving all the processes that occur in them. REGARDLESS OF THE CAUSE OF THE IMPAIRMENT, VISION CAN BE RECOVERED! And the recovery is not temporary, like after surgery, but can recover permanently (or for a long time).

Optifix may also be suitable for the elderly. We have been using Optifix in our center since the early stages of its existence. And this product literally still pleasantly surprises us. Statistically, about 97 out of 100 people see 50-100% better. Optifix can help even in severe cases where a person is at risk of total blindness.

I want to show you a letter sent by the retired Grace Macharia. She almost lost her sight, but luckily everything went well.

Letter from a retiree who, due to her credulity and naivety, was about to lose her sight

img Grace Macharia, 67 years old. After she decided to correct her vision with laser, she had many problems and almost went blind. She lives in Nakuru.

"It's a real joy for me! I see again. Many thanks to Optifix. Because this product is hidden and few people know about it. Even in the pharmacy I couldn't buy it. I don't think it's fair. After all, It could help a lot of people. Especially us retirees. Now I see even better than before the surgery.

I don't know why I did it. My vision wasn't that bad. They called me and told me that they would operate me with a good discount. The counselor was very kind and he told me how I would get my sight back that now there are modern super technologies that help even the elderly.

But in the end it was not as he said he was. Two days after the operation, my vision was blurry. I couldn't even see the outline of objects. Everything was blurry. I thought maybe this would go away with time. But nothing helped me. I was then told that my vision had dropped to minus 7. Before that I had 3.5 in one eye and 4.5 in the other! They said that the bandages were not attached well and that it was my fault for not putting the drops on time. But I put them on time. Then they told me they could do the surgery again for full cost (not even discounted!)

Of course I refused. They took money from me and incapacitated me. I didn't see anything for almost a month, until someone advised my daughter to come to you. Thank you very much for her help! I'm very grateful. If it wasn't for you, I'd be blind forever..."

Grace Macharia wrote us a letter of help. She couldn't come to our center on her own, so I sent her the Optifix by parcel post. During a product reception course, the retiree not only regained the vision she had before the operation, but also improved it.

How can Optifix affect sight?

Restores the lens epithelium

Between the cornea and the retina is a second lens called the crystalline lens. Vision problems are usually associated with altered lens properties. Laser correction cannot improve the properties of the lens because it is below the cornea. Optifix, thanks to the latest generation carnosine (in the form of hydrochloride), can increase the number of epithelial cells of the lens and improve its properties. This is proven by the fact that people even in their 60s, 70s and 80s begin to see better after taking Optifix, and 79% can see "as when they were young".

Lens opacity correction

As with any lens, the more opaque the lens, the worse the person's vision. The lens itself is made up of a liquid product, the composition of which can change pathologically under certain negative factors. One of the many effects of Optifix is that it can remove salt and dead cells from the lens and is therefore able to restore the exceptional clarity of the lens.

Regeneration of retinal cells!

Optifix is a new generation of products that can cause the regeneration of retinal cells. The fact is that there are many light-sensitive cells in the retina that can die. The appearance of new cells requires certain conditions, which are rarely obtained in normal life (for example, one of the conditions is to eat goldfish frequently and completely give up bad habits), so the number of cells sensitive to the light only decreases with age. Optifix can create the right conditions for its regeneration, which naturally improves vision.

Increased ciliary muscle activity

Focus speed depends on this muscle. For example, if you have found that when you are driving your gaze shifts to the speed display on the dashboard and then back to the road, the clarity of the road image is not immediately restored. If there is this delay, the ciliary muscle is working harder. Optifix contains poorly soluble divalent calcium and magnesium, which can increase the elasticity of this muscle.

Normalize intraocular pressure!

Perhaps this property should have been reported first, as it is one of the main ones. Optifix, thanks to its high content of a special form of vitamin E, is able to clean even the small vessels at the back of the eye. Only the eyes have a complex system of small blood vessels. Optifix can restore its normal function and thus normalize the pressure. Not only can vision improve, but even after taking Optifix, headaches may go away.

How to deal with age-related visual impairments

With age, dystrophic changes occur in the central part of the inner lining of the eye, associated with retinal vascular abnormalities and poor blood circulation. The nutrition of the optic nerves deteriorates, causing a permanent reduction in the central clarity of vision and the visual acuity responsible for recognizing faces and small details. Failing to recover, age-related retinal changes are likely to progress, which can lead to complete loss of visual function and disability. Optifix can help prevent complications and normalize blood circulation, as well as vascular function and central vision.

Of course, this is by no means a complete list of the effects of the product. There are even more than fifty properties that I will not list. Как уже было сказано, Optifix can have a complex effect on the visual system. Optifix puede tener un efecto complejo en el sistema visual. Optifix IS SUCCESSFULLY USED FOR ANY PROBLEMS IN THE FUNCTIONING OF VISION!

Tell us how quickly vision can be restored with Optifix

To be honest, the process is not quick, but painstaking. The course lasts at least 30 days.

But after recovery, you can say goodbye to lenses, glasses, forget about operations. You may have excellent eyesight and be able to see as well as before (or better if you were born with poor eyesight).

Optifix can help everyone and of course the elderly.

Take an Optifix. Take 3 capsules a day, during breakfast.

The effect of Optifix is like the flutter of a butterfly.


You will be able to see perfectly both day and night.

Soon you won't have to put your lenses in every morning and take them out at night. You won't need to wear glasses everywhere. 97% of people said goodbye to contact lenses and glasses. At any time of the day, even at dusk, you can see it perfectly.

You will be able to see the world as nature intended

Both contact lenses and glasses change the image of the world. Without glasses or contact lenses, you can see all the real colors and details of the world. 98% of people confirmed that Optifix does not cause any defects. These people can now admire the scenery through the window, walk around and look around. Even in the humid autumn, you will notice many beautiful things that you have not noticed before.

It is safe

Poor vision is undoubtedly dangerous. You can avoid this imminent danger. Good vision allows you to react as quickly as possible to danger. Good vision also improves driving safety.

You will gain confidence

With excellent vision, you will feel more confident and attractive. This will have a positive impact on your work and your relationships with others. You will be able to grow your career faster.

There is no tiredness, red eyes or tears

All these negative and unpleasant things are related to poor vision and the consequent eye fatigue. When you have perfect vision, all of these symptoms can lessen and disappear. Even after a full day at the computer, your eyes will no longer be so tired. In addition, the probability of inflammation is reduced.

Protection against dangerous problems

After a course of taking Optifix, your eyes will be "loaded" with many vitamins and trace elements that they need, which can prevent the development of various disorders. You do not have to worry about losing your sight and reduce the risk of serious pathologies.

Enough of bearing the headaches

Eye fatigue, when we do not see well, usually causes headaches. When you can see well, you can forget about headaches and increased intraocular pressure.

No expression lines

Mimic wrinkles around the eyes are produced by squinting. We do it automatically to adjust the focus of vision and achieve seeing. After a course of Optifix, 95% of people have stopped squinting, so you too can have perfect (or near perfect) eyesight, so you don't have to worry.

Excellent eyesight even in old age

Taking Optifix, you can maintain your vision even at 70, 80, 90 years of age. And if you are already that age, your vision may improve. You will be able to read, watch TV and cook without glasses. You will be able to see the bus numbers. Optifix can help age-related vision loss.

Optifix is scarce in pharmacies!

As far as we know, it is very difficult to buy Optifix n pharmacies. It is rarely available. Is that correct? What would be your advice for the citizens of Kenya? Where can they buy it?

- Yes, it really is. Optifix is produced in small and limited quantities, so it just doesn't make it to pharmacies. Most of it goes to the United States, unfortunately, a part is bought by private centers.

But I have good news for the readers of your magazine, I have consulted with my colleagues and we have decided to offer your readers A PART OF THE LOT OF Optifix, PURCHASED BY US. AND AT A MINIMUM PRICE, EVEN BELOW THE PURCHASE PRICE, THANKS TO THE SUPPORT OF AN INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION AND PRIVATE FOUNDATIONS. The product is delivered directly to your home in Kenya.

I'll tell you what you have to do to order the Optifix as part of the discount program.

Needs to:

  • Being in Kenyan territory. We do not ship Optifix abroad.
  • You can get Optifix FOR YOUR PERSONAL USE ONLY. I urge resellers not to resell Optifix at a high markup. It is inhumane to take advantage of people's suffering. Optifix will only be shipped in quantities needed for the course.

To participate in the discount program, you must click on the «Spin» button on the discount wheel below. Depending on the discount you receive, you will be able to get Optifix. The wheel can only be spun once.

The show won't last long!

Unfortunately, we only have a small supply of Optifix, which is not enough for all citizens with vision problems. We thought it would be fair to offer the product to those who are quicker to request it on the website. So, if you want a chance to get your sight back once and for all with this product, order it sooner rather than later, before other people do before you.

Watch out! Optifix ends fast!
The number of available packs is running out fast!

Currently there are available:

18 units

Once you click the "Spin" button, Optifix will be reserved for you.

img To turn

You can buy Optifix at a discount!


Optifix is reserved for you, you have 10 minutes to leave a request.

DISCOUNT! 11980 Ksh
5990 Ksh

All you need to do is provide your name and phone number.
Time left:

10 : 00

* (if you have not completed the form before the specified time, your reservation will be transferred to another person because there are very few products).


Mary Kamau
It's a great product. Thanks for giving it so cheap. No other place sells the same.
Peter Atieno
I liked Optifix. I took it last year. He had -4.75 in both eyes. They are back to normal. It helped me a lot. In a year my eyesight has not diminished.
David Njoroge
I also have experience as use=user, and it is positive. It restored my eyesight from minus 5 to minus 1.5. It is an excellent product. I recommend it to everyone.
Samuel Kariuki
I am now restoring my sight with this product. In just the second week, I can see much clearer. Before I couldn't see the bus number, but now I can.
Esther Muthoni
Thanks. I made the order on time. I don't usually get very lucky, but now I got lucky. I have heard very good things about Optifix. Now I'm finally going to try it.
Stephen Ouma
I am pleasantly surprised by the effect of the product. I ordered it after reading the article, but to be honest, I didn't think it would do any good. But in the middle of the course my vision improved from -3.5 to -2.5. I continue to take it. I am satisfied.
Jane Ahmed
Thanks, I left a request.
Grace Kimani
It has also helped me improve my eyesight. I work on a computer and my eyesight has been deteriorating rapidly lately. I took Optifix and I recovered. Thank you very much. I have recommended Optifix to some of my friends and they like it too.
Lucy Adan
You can't really find it in pharmacies... I had to figure out how to order here, but it turned out to be easy. I left my phone number and they called me. It is very easy for adults.
Caroline Mutua
I was thinking of getting my eyesight corrected with a laser, but I was really scared. Two months ago I discovered Optifix. I decided to use it to start with. My vision has improved, now I won't have to have surgery. It is an excellent product. Do not think about it, especially at that price.
Nancy Abdullahi
Hello everyone! I finished the course a month ago and the results are great!!!! I do not have words to describe it. Thank you very much! I'd advise anyone with the same problem to order, especially when it's still so cheap.
Paul Kibet
Attention! Whoever wants to order, do so now. The product sells very fast. The agent told me there is very little left. Hurry up.
Ann Simiyu
Friends, I hope you are as happy as I am. My vision has been restored from -2 to 0.8. Thanks to the manufacturer. And good luck everyone!
Rose Barasa
I have ordered three packages while there is a discount. We will take it together with my husband, we both have vision problems.
Evans Chebet
Rose, you ordered three packages, now someone will be left without one!
Jackline Koech
I went to ask for it. They said there were very few packages left.

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